Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Album Review - Hot Damn Mess EP

As of late, I have made it a habit to rely on my friends to tell me what's what and who's who in the music world. Wading through wave after wave of new artists gets tedious. Luckily, I have friends who know exactly what I like, and when they find some awesome lesser known artist, they make sure I find out about them ASAP. Let me introduce you to Kieran Strange.When I first was show pictures of her, I expected her music to be more like Emilie Autumn, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out instead of being an electropop queen, she was only one part pop and about five parts rock!

I was skeptical at first. I don't generally look into unsigned artists. It's not because I assume they are bad, more so I just don't like getting attached to an artist that might not ever make music again. Many people get discouraged if they aren't signed within a year or so and call it quits. This time, though, I could tell it was different. Ms. Strange has a passion for music, and it is obvious whether you are listening to her songs, or stalking her on Twitter (with love!). I have a feeling this lady won't give up without a fight.

01. Good Intentions

I actually listened to this song by accident. I was browsing her page, and the song just suddenly started playing on the side of the page. I found myself subconsciously head banging along. The song has a heavy focus on the guitar, which is a nice change from the electronic "beep boop" I've been listening to. The lyrics have a focus on female power, which is pretty much what I eat, breathe, and sleep.  She lets out some serious wails in this song, showcasing her vocal range. This is definitely my favorite song on the album, showing that sometimes it is a good idea to put your best foot forward.

02. First Trip

A more upbeat song than the rest of the album, this song feels like pure 90's pop-rock. I get the idea that this album would have done a lot better in the mid to late 90s scene, but it is nice to hear that fun mix still alive and kicking. The song is talking about her first love. Falling in love can make you insecure, especially your first love. It is something everyone can relate to, and it is done to a catchy song. It is certainly not the strongest track, but it does what it needs to very efficiently.

03. Too Lazy To Know

I love this song. Period. From the guitar riffs to her ability to make a fun bridge and chorus, I just can't get enough of this song. This song is one I imagine singing along with my friends in the car. I also like the twist she put on the whole "you can do it" reoccurring theme in music now. She says that you can do anything you want to, and so can she, but she's just too lazy to do it. The concept is amusing, and is exactly why I love this girl. It's hard to make a song you want to sound serious, but still have a funny underlying meaning. Embarrassingly enough, this is the first song I learned all the lyrics to, and I had to listen to the song three or four times during this review, as I kept getting distracted singing along!

04. Emergency Room

This song puts the energy on the back burner for a while. The electric guitars are replaced at parts with acoustic. The song has a much more serious tone than the rest of the album. The lyrics are about waiting on the doctor in the ER to tell her if this person is alright. More than that, it is a metaphor for a failing relationship. It's not her lover that is dying, its their love. I am a sucker for metaphors, especially ones that don't break out to tell people what they are really singing about. Then again, I might be looking too far into the song. The guitar riffs in this song are very heavy and can be overbearing, but it keeps the emotional level high. The song has grown on me greatly since my first listen.

05. Leave No Trace Behind

This is the song I listen to the least on the album. There is no real reason, at least in the sense that somethingis wrong with the song. It is a very catchy and fast paced song, but I just don't like it as much. During the chorus, her voice sounds to be a bit strained; she may be pushing the extent of her higher range. This is where the title of the album comes into play. She is telling a story of how messed up she is, being a "hot damn mess" and maybe she should just leave and not even give them a trace of where she's gone. My favorite part of the song is the bridge. The guitars cut out almost completely -- it is just Kieran. It's good to prove you can sing sometimes instead of just hiding behind the backtrack.

06. Rumors

The final track of the album is very bass heavy, and I love it! The bass guitar is my favorite instrument. The song is about your usual cycle of vicious rumors, as the name would imply. Lyrically, I don't like this song as much as the others, but musically and vocally, I am madly in love with this song. The notes fit so snugly in with the rock instruments. She has a very amazing control of her voice, being able to get that rock and roll moan without sounding too unprofessional. This was a very good track to go out on. It leaves people wanting more -- I certainly do. The EP has only been out for a few months, and I already want more from this girl.

One thing that people will probably notice the instant they start listening to the album is the production quality. While it doesn't sound they recorded it in a trash can (trust me, I have heard songs that bad), it isn't grade A studio quality. I honestly believe that whether or not this was due to budgeting, it really does work in favor for her. It gives the tracks that true indie feel, and gives you more of an idea of what you would hear if you heard things live. Today, the norm is to over produce a track into oblivion. It is refreshing to hear something so raw and powerful.

Coming in at just under six dollars, it can't be beat. If you are a fan of that true 90s pop-rock smash up, you can get the album for yourself here


  1. Awww thanks for the awesome review! Kieran is a great, genuine artist, and its so kind of you to review her album. I recorded, mixed, mastered it, so I'm glad you enjoyed the raw feel. I mixed it in the front seat of a 1998 Ford Taurus at 5AM with my fingers freezing onto the keys of my Macbook Pro... so its always awesome when people appreciate the hard work that went into it, even if it isn't a full studio album.

  2. Not only is she a talented artist, she is a fabulously kind and genuine person. If anyone deserves success, it is definitely Kieran :D
