Sunday, November 27, 2011

Freezepop (Finally) Releases Doppelganger Video

Oh. Dear. Lord. I have been in love with this song for SO LONG! Freezepop always makes great tracks, but they've not always been consistent with releasing videos for their stuff. The last video I remember from them was for Brainpower, and was pretty close to the height of the song's success on Rock Band. But this song? It's been out for a long time. I had given up hope until they released a short teaser for it. Finally, dear lord finally, it has arrived.

The video doesn't follow the song's plot of a girl finding her ex dating a carbon copy of herself, and instead takes a very campy approach to the idea of "doppelgangers." What we get is two very different versions of the same group of four people. One set are the stereotypical perfect suburbanites, shirts tucked in and following all the rules, and the other set is a group of crazy punk rebels who probably don't have a cause, but who am I to judge?

Despite being very obviously on a budget, it is still a hilarious video and stays true to what the band is all about. Anyone who was afraid they would be too different with the new members needs to shut their faces and watch this video. It may have taken them a year to bring us a video for this gem of a single, but at least it was a fun ride. Plus, it renewed my love for the band, and gives me hope for new material from the band in the future!

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