Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Album Review - Unbroken

I had been arguing with myself over whether to review this album. On the one hand, she is a Disney Channel princess, a thing which the darker side of me detests. Yet, the album is really good. Her lead-in single "Skyscraper" was song of the week a while ago, and the rest of the album follows suite -- plus it's number one on iTunes, and since most five year old kids who blindly watch Disney pop crap don't have an iTunes account (or money for that matter) it being number one on iTunes really does say something. This will be my first full listen of the album, so keep that in mind, because as we all know, some songs will grow on you.

01. All Night Long feat. Missy Elliot and Timabland

A very interesting song choice for the first track. Her voice is much less raw and raspy than her lead in single, but this dark pop track is a sure fire hit. Sadly, it is another "lets party at the club" style song, but the unique beat and her strong voice. The lyrics are rather amusing. "I like you so put your number in my phone" is probably the best pick up line of the year. I plan on using it in the future (Not kidding). Missy goes first. I really have no idea how to classify this. She sounds like Lil Wayne, but in female form. Yes, i know she was around way before him, but non the less... As for Timabland, he just kind of sings along with Demi at one point. I have no idea why he was even in the song other than just for the name credit to boost the songs popularity?

02. Who's That Boy feat. Dev

We all know how I feel about Dev. It's not that I hate her, per say, but I just have never been into her music. "In The Dark" was the closest to loving a Dev song I have ever been. That being said, relying on her to be the 'rapper' feature for the song was probably a bad idea. She just feels awkward and out of place in an already great song. I much rather would have heard her sing a verse than rap. Demi, as usual, does very good in the song. Pretty straightforward lyrically, the song is all about a boy that everyone either wants to be with or wants to be. Are any other of my gay brothers upset she didn't say the boys want to be with him too?

03. You're My Only Shorty feat. Iyaz

Ok what is up with all these feature songs cluttering up the first half of this album? Iyaz sings the verses, and does so quite well. The song is unbelievably catchy, but am I the only one annoyed with the overuse of the word "shorty/shawty"? I mean come on! Not all girls are short, and most of the time the tall ones are hotter. Anyway, the song is all about a paranoid Demi making sure her Iyaz isn't cheating on her. Joking aside, the song is pretty sweet in its intentions. I absolutely love Demi's harmonies when Iyaz lays down the basic notes for the chorus. The song really demonstrates Demi's range and ability to wail out the notes with the best of today's rising divas.

04. Together feat Jason Derulo 

One of my least favorite tracks on the album, this song just sticks out more than the others. It's too fast to be a ballad, and too slow to be a pop hit. The chorus doesn't do anything to help it out either. "Sing it Oh-oh-oh-oh" does not a good chorus make. It just feels like a really bad feel good song. She talks about how we shouldn't fight and all be together. It's not the type of song I get into, and there are too many ohs for my liking.

05. Lightweight

Finally we get to hear Demi sing on her own. For the beginning of the track, there is a chorus of pseudo-trumpets as she sings her heart out about being easy to fall in love. Much like "Skyscraper," this song is very much focused on Demi being raw and true to herself. Songs like this one as well as the aforementioned single make her outshine her competition ten fold. If Demi wants to be a superstar, she needs to make more tracks like this song.

06. Unbroken

I had very high hopes for the title track of the album, and this song is everything I wanted. Even though she needs to make some raw tracks to break out like she has, this song is just an electronic ear orgasm. Every album needs a good electro-dance track. While not super bubble-gum dancey, it does have some dub-step like elements to it, making for a very hot track. This song is probably the best track on the entire album, and it's easy to see why she would choose this to be the representative for the work as a whole. This is my pick for the next single, Demi. Don't be like Ke$ha and not make the best song on the album a single just because it's the title track! (Animal ruled everything and you all know it.)

07. Fix A Heart

This song is another ballad song, making for another demonstration of just how far this girl can push herself. The song actually does strike a chord in me, as I feel I have been in the same situation. I can't stress how important it is for artists to have songs people can relate to. Sure people can relate to clubbing, but it doesn't exactly strike an emotion. Talking about trying to fix your lovers broken heart, but in the end finding it was best to just give him time to heal is very relatable, in my opinion. But darling, if you ran out of band-iades, Wal-Mart is open 24/7 in most locations.

08. Hold Up

For some reason the opening of this song took me by surprise. The song has a totally 80's synth-pop feel to it, with is super awesome beat in the background. The track is very different from the rest of the album and will leave you wondering if this song was really meant to be on Selena Gomez's new album, but Demi still does an amazing job with the song. I love the metaphor of using love as a weapon. She paints a scene of robbing someone with a gun named love. Saying it like that makes me think of Romeo+Juliet. Sadly, this track is one of the shortest on the album, not even clocking in three minutes. Maybe I could persuade some of my DJ friends to do an extended mix of this one.

09. Mistake

Don't be fooled by the rockin' intro to this song, it slows way down and even throws in some piano when she starts singing. Not exactly a bait and switch situation, the song eventually picks back up a bit, but still not enough to justify it's great intro. It feels like two different songs smashed together with Demi trying to cover it up with her amazing voice. I can honestly say this is probably the song I will skip over in the future. The only thing that makes up for it is the bridge, where everything speeds up, but as expected, everything slows back down for the ending chorus.

10. Give Your Heart A Break

This song is so amazingly sweet. I like seeing the softer side of Demi. The song is all about her getting to know a boy who "doesn't fall in love." She finds out eventually that he is actually just scared of falling in love, as he's been heartbroken before. She assures him she doesn't want to break his heart, but just wants to give his heart a break. The piano and violins in the song serenade her while she sings her heart out. One thing this album definitely has going for it is that every song feels like she really believes what she is singing, and she always gives it her all .

11. Skyscraper

I have already reviewed this one. If you are interested, check it out here. First person to call me lazy for that gets smacked.

12. In Real Life

I really don't know how to describe this song. The awkward old timey piano in the background threw me off, and honestly it's pretty much all I could focus on for the whole time. I'm not even sure what she sang about. The chorus was a nice relief from that horrid instrument -- whatever it was. Can I please move on now?

13. My Love Is Like A Star

Another slow jam on the album, this track doesn't stand out as well as the other. I don't know why, but people always seem to put filler towards the end of their albums, and this song just doesn't impress. The song feels really forced lyrically -- as if they had another beat to sing to and swapped it at the last minute. It just doesn't fit well. The song is all about long distance relationships. I guess it's about trying to stay together while she is on tour? I have no idea. I just know that this song was more of a chore to get through than the rest.

14. For The Love Of A Daughter

I could tell by the title of this song that this one would be a very emotional song. Walking the fine line in what could be interpenetrated as child molestation, the song is actually about her hardships as a child with an alcoholic mother. The song goes through her life over the years, as she struggles to help her hopeless parents. This one really evokes emotions in those who listen to it. If you don't feel anything, you don't have a heart. I think this track was the perfect way to end the album, especially since the overlying theme seems to be her proving that even though she has struggled, she is alright now, and she will continue on strong and unbroken.

Also there was a remix of Skyscraper, but it was more like a bonus track. Damn, that was a good album. Now please excuse me while I listen to it again (whilst killing locusts).