Monday, September 24, 2012

Song of the Week - Sexy Party

What can I say? I'm an Adam Barta fan. Don't judge me.

When asked for my honest opinion of the song from Adam himself, I said simply that the song was "not as bad as I expected." Sounds mean, I know, but I didn't really have high hopes for the song, especially after hearing that mess that a certain "teen mom" calls a song. Luckily, Octomom was in good hands with both Barta, Mig, and Rizzo. She may not be a talented singer, but in today's world who is?

The song is a hot mess, but in the best way possible. It is chock full of autotune and pulsing beats that force you to sing and dance along with it whether you want to or not. Lyrically, it is what you can expect from a song titled "Sexy Party". It pretty much just demands you join them in their super sexy party, complete with rhymes that center around counting, to make it easier for you.

All kidding aside, I do enjoy the song for what it is, or else I wouldn't have picked it this week. Check it out. You'll either love it, or want to burn it with fire.

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