Friday, June 28, 2013

Reality TV Review: RHNJ Season Five Episode 4

Oh my lawd. Sometimes when I agree to review TV shows, I get started and a few weeks in I already wanna give up. This time it's mostly because NOBODY ON THIS SHOW IS SANE. Well maybe Kathy (except for when she's drunk). Then again, I guess that's what makes this show so fun. We get to watch people be complete hot messes which is what makes reality TV what it is. So without further ado: a giant mess.

(Note: Due to time restraints and limitations of media, dates for future reviews may fluctuate.)

We start off at the Gorga residence. Melissa immediately lays into her husband about the drama from Gia's party. She finally realizes that she doesn't have to explain herself to Teresa at all. Go figure. Why didn't she realize that earlier?

At Teresa's she's talking to her Joe about the same thing, but only completely opposite. The editing for this just keeps going back and forth with each one completely trash talking the other. The only thing that bothered me was Melissa speaking about it in front of her children. She says that Teresa brainwashes her kids, but it looks like she's doing the same thing. Oh lawdy.

Let's move onto some Kathy. I need me some Kathy and Rosie this week. They deserve their own spin off. No, really. At Kathy's they discuss what to do for her hubby and kid's birthdays. The only idea they come up with is a club, but her daughter isn't 21, so she can't drink. They settle on a restaurant. On the flip side, Teresa's dad comes up again. Kathy didn't go see him, but she sent the kids, which was a great thing. She really seems to be lingering towards going to see her uncle. The sad part is that Kathy's mom isn't talking to her brother, even when he's sick. She seems to want to know him, but can't bring herself to it. The whole family here seems to be a mess. A depressing mess.

Caroline's bit is up next. Two of her kids, Albie and Chris are opening a restaurant together along with some of their friends. Caroline strides in to give her piece of mind on some of the food. Her husband is the one giving the most input, including some awkward grilled cheese ideas. I love Caroline, but I have to say that she has some very views on life.

Melissa meets with her publicists. She is writing an advice book. She makes a huge point to say that her book is so different from Teresa's cook book that it seems even more suspicious than if she's not said anything at all. Things get pretty sad when she opens up about her dad cheating on her mother many times. She says that she doesn't want to write about it, but her publicist insists on it.

Jacqueline is up next. It took a commercial break and another Melissa segment to even see her this week. I guess she's got nothing going on. AND IN THE INTERVIEW (aka not to her face) she says Teresa does botox. Yawn. That was cheap and she needs to move on. It really looks as if she's lost her damn mind, both in the segment and in the interview. Her personal trainer even tries to derail her from bitching, but doesn't succeed. She says she's a sociopath, but it's looking like Jacqueline may be a tad too obsessed.

Oh and Teresa's mom said that if they were in Italy people would think Melissa is a prostitute. How fun.

Back at Melissa's she is looking through pictures with her book. She finds a card from her dad and tears up again. Inside the card is a tearful goodbye, or at least what she saw as a goodbye. She reveals her dad hit a tree on a rainy night and died. She is torn between talking about her dad as a great father, and feeling tht she needs to mention he cheated. Joe urges her to not be ashamed of her life, which honestly is good advice. I mean she's talking about it ON A DAMN TV SHOW. It's out in the open. Might as well write about it.

The Caroline segment has a lot of season one flashbacks. Damn everyone looked so young. Caroline's hair was horrendous! Oh lawd never show me those horrifying things ever again.

So Kathy rents a huge bus to transport all her friends and family to the restaurant. That was interesting. They made a fuss about drinking before, but they cut to a bunch of scenes of people pouring down drinks. That's absolutely no surprise for this leg of the franchise, though. These bitches are always drunk.

Of course they bring up Gia's birthday party and the drama over Teresa's dad. Why do they always have to constantly hang on drama. Even the ones that say they don't want drama keep lingering back towards it. Caroline says that she doesn't think either of them are in the right. She finally sees that everyone's holding grudges, not just Teresa. Looks like Team Melissa is losing a member.

The disagreement seems to be igniting a fight. As always, Caroline weighs in on the whole deal, and reveals to the table that she doesn't think Teresa is incapable of being close to either her or Kathy. Kathy is upset because she thought it was in the past as far as Teresa is concerned, which it should be, but we are talking about Teresa.

Kathy talks to Rich and Rosie about the situation. Am I the only one who noticed that Kathy was completely wasted. The way she was laughing when Rosie started to scream was amusing. Poor Kathy. Rosie causes a scene and is escorted away by Jacqueline via a waltz.

Caroline put it best. "This family is such a mess."

Teresa is at the gym when she spots her brother screaming as he pumps weights. She reveals it's been over a year since she's seen him, and obviously she approaches him. They actually seem to be doing good for the first time seeing each other fin a long while. She approaches him casually and keeps it light.

Then he drops the bomb saying that he cries because of Teresa. That sparks the fire in her and she brings out the claws. After she mentions Melissa, Joe asks if she's obsessed. It's like some bizarre triangle of obsession. This turns into a huge fight. In the middle of a crowded room. As usual.

I don't even wanna go into what this fight was all about. They argue about Melissa. They argue about Teresa's Joe. It's all a bunch of bull. They need to stop this insanity. This has been two seasons, going on three now, of them bickering at each other and it's so old. Last season the sapped out all my emotions for their relationship.

What can be said is that Teresa freaked out (for the first time since she flipped a table in season one), throwing water on her brother and knocking over a trash can. Maybe it's not as crazy as the first season's meltdown, but it's still an rare physical outburst for her.

What the hell do the other members of that gym think happened?

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