Thursday, February 28, 2013

Song of the Month - Brandon Hilton's "Daddy"

It is quite refreshing to do a song of the month as opposed to a weekly gig. It makes the stakes higher, and the competition tougher. As you know, I don't focus much of mainstream music, so in the grand tradition of Taking Over The Universe and the Universal Conquest Awards, we will continue to pick indie artists for this distinction. This month, Brandon Hilton has released a new single that has this blogger doing a double take.

I know what you are probably thinking: I talk about Brandon too much. Yeah, that might be true, but when an artist grows as much  and as quickly as this one, I can't help but brag about him. This time around, he has switched things up, moving from 100% pop to dabbling in R&B. While it's not a huge change, it still marks growth, and shows us a different side of him.

The song itself is about his life with his dad. Things get a little ugly, as his history with his dad is complicated. He has not publicly went into details of what happened, but the song does shed some light onto the situation. This also marks an interesting turn as it's his first song to have an explicit warning label, which can be contributed to his bitter feelings about the whole ordeal.

There have been mixed feelings about the song thus far with his fans. I, for one, like this change, as it makes him into a more diverse and deep artist. He has cleared up the confusion a bit online saying that this was an experiment and will probably not a style of music he is going to pursue in the future, but it was a story he felt needed to be told.

You can preview and buy the February Song of the Month "Daddy" by Brandon Hilton on iTunes.


  1. I dont think you post about him to much, I find his music quite refreshing. in a world full of label made cookie cutter artists who are told what to say and sing, an artist who dares to face the masses on his own and say what he truly feels is inspiring.

    I love this song and I love that he had the balls to tell his story. he has whole heartedly won me over with this one!

  2. Interesting song. Deeper than what I would expect from him. I like it.
