Sunday, February 24, 2013

Album Review - Frankmusik "Far From Over"

Oh, Frankmusik. How you never cease to amaze me with your music. After returning to his original stage name, after a brief stint as Vincent Did It, he has put out his first release. This EP, entitled "Far From Over" sends out a message that should be clear from the title -- Frankmusik isn't going anywhere, and his music is here to stay.

 This EP has one amazing thing going for it (other than being produced by one of the most talented electro-pop artists of this generation): It's free. Frank announced on his Facebook page not long after the name swap that he no longer wanted to charge people for every last song, so much like "The SOPA Opera EP", "Far From Over" was released online for no charge. Donations are accepted, as always, but the songs themselves cast the fans nothing.

And don't think that just because this isn't costing you means that the songs aren't worth anything. The work actually puts it's best foot forward with the studio version of a song that was already turning heads on SoundCloud, "Captain". Using the sea and sailing as metaphors, he explores a difficult relationship that has gone too far, and he isn't sure if there is any coming back. This song was especially fan pleasing, as it returned to his original sound, more indie and less mainstream than his "Do It In The AM" album.

My one complaint with "Captain" is actually that he teased us too much with it. I'm not sure if it's because I was so used to the demo version, or if it was really better, but this studio version doesn't feel right. The song is still fun, but the demo version, more simplistic and less cluttered with beeps and blips, felt much more at home in the Frankmusik library. I am thankful that he included the song on this release, as it was my favorite of the crop of demos he had put out over the course of 2012.

"Thank You", a mesh of ballad and energetic, is a story about him being so in love with someone, but realizing that things aren't going to work out. It is a song about acceptance and moving on. There is no malice, but well wishes for the other person. I feel for this track moreso than the others, as it is something I've been through personally, which is a bit of an interesting take for him, as usually his tracks take things to the extreme when it comes to a relationship, making the relatableness for them a bit far fetched.

The third song, "Map" is probably the best song on the EP, if not the best song I've heard out of Frankmusik as an artist. Not only is the production spot on, but his voice sounds so much smoother and less strained. This track proves that he is really growing as a vocalist, even after being out for so long. Remember the extreme bit I mentioned above? Well here's the proof. This girl hurt him so much that he wants to completely wipe his mind of her. He wants to take her off the Map so that he doesn't crawl back to her later. I hope "take you off my map" isn't a metaphor for killing. That would be awkward wouldn't it?

Finally we have "The Line". This song slows everything down, and puts everything out there. This may be where he draws the line, but it has me wanting more. This is the kind of track I knew he had in him, but didn't get to hear in "Do It In The AM". This song is simplistic, emotional, and raw. It is far dressed down from the rest of the EP, sending the listener off wanting for more.

And that listener is in luck. Frank has announced on Facebook that his third studio album is on the way, and it is coming sooner than you'd think. "Between" is coming out April 1st (because he says he's such a fool in love), and it's got this blogger PUMPED.

Back to the matter at hand, however, this EP serves as a great appetizer for what is to come. If the third album is anything like this, or even a nice mix of this and Vincent Did It, I will be 100% satisfied. Who knows, maybe even Quigley will make a re-appaearance. She's been gone for far too long now. But really all we can do is wait. Wait, and blast "Map" over and over again.

Get the album FOR FREE from his official website!

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