Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sorry I Missed It - Le Kid "Oh Alright"

I have been putting this edition of "Sorry I Missed It" off for a while. It's true that I did not talk about Le Kid at all, but it's not exactly that I missed it by accident. I chose not to review this album or highlight it's singles because other than "America", none of the songs are readily available in the US. Recently, however, a few of their tracks have been coming back to me over and over, and I can't ignore this piece any longer.

Le Kid is a band that can only be described as Scandinavian. Either you get that, or you don't. They are an odd version of pop that doesn't come around the US very often. The only group in the United States I can think of that comes close to this genre would be Scissor Sisters, and they aren't even as fully appreciated in their home country as they are over seas.

Le Kid first came to fame during their attempt to get on Eurovision Song Contest via Sweden's preselection contest with their massive hit "Oh My God", which is also included on this album. They instantly labeled themselves "your new favorite band", earning a few giggles from this blogger here. The song was a nice flavor of pop with hints of big band elements.

Nothing else they have done compares to my love for "We Should Go Home Together." This song was my first exposure to the group, and will probably always be my favorite track of the whole bunch. The song is just so campy and 80s feeling that I can't help but sing along into a hairbrush. I have a feeling that if this was their ESC song, they would have made it onto the live show -- but then again that is just me.

I'm not saying that the rest of the album isn't great. The other singles, especially "America" (the only song you can find of theirs on US iTunes) is another catchy track that feels much more laid back than the rest of the album. "Telephone" may not be a Lady Gaga cover, but it stands very well on it's own with tongue-in-cheek references of it's own. Tie this up with a "Mr. Brightside" cover stapled on the end and you have a pretty solid album.

So as you can see, the only real reason I opted not to cover this album was due to it's lack of availability in the United States, as that is my base of operations and where my main reading base is located. This is exactly why I created segments like "Sorry I Missed It" and "MYPHNH(BS)" -- so I could talk about world music and let people know that not only is there great music that exists outside of our North American bubble, but also that I listen to and love it as well.

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