Finally we get to see a good bit of Sammie! She talks about her daughters and how she plays dolls with them, which was crazy cute. She is such a sweetheart and I'm glad she's shown in that light on the show. We got tos ee more of Rudy during this segment as well because he is adorable, even if he kind of falls flat being fierce.
Speaking of getting to know more of the competitors, this episode does a way better job of showcasing everyone. This mini challenge is far more stretched out than last week, and we get to know everyone a lot better. Everyone gets screen time including some that were background characters last week like Dawn and Rio. This is the first episode we deserved! Sorry Marcio.
I hate to be Miss America, but pretty much everybody rocked this challenge. They had bright and vibrant colors and each made the art a piece of them. Rachel, Dawn, Rio, and Sammie really rocked this one out. I loved Dawn's drive-in mural, and Rio's poison apple was the crown of this one. Sadly cutie Rudy didn't pay attention to what Ru had told him last week, and anybody who watches Drag Race knows that if you ignore Ru's advice, you're going down.
With Ru being the only judge, he calls out his top three painters. Lana, Cheryl Ann, and Avi are his top pics. Unfortunately none of my favorites are there, but I'm still holding out hope. Sadly Cheryl Ann's conceited self won this one. At least we haven't heard about her classical training so far this episode. They almost revealed what was going to happen, and then Rebecca tells them to go home. Weird!
As it turns out the painters house is a thing this season after all. And what are they talking about? How annoying Cheryl Ann is! Wow. Weirdly we hear about Rudy having an open relationship with his fiance? And the house segment lasted all of thirty seconds on top of that. Ugh. Why you do dis?
Cat Cora from Iron Chef is the first celebrity guest judge for the show! She will be helping judge our food themed camouflage challenge. Instantly many of the faces get a nervous look on their faces. I guess this isn't everyone's forte. This time they are assigned randomly. Cheryl Ann, however, is able to change places with anyone, so she obviously guns for her biggest competition, Lana, and takes her fun fruitstand.
During the work montage we get to know Aryn better, who is definitely one of my favorites for this season. She is multifaceted, and she really works it. On the opposite spectrum I was sad to see Rachel struggle so much. I had her pegged as a front runner, but she was in the bottom last week and isn't doing so well for the challenge.
Mid way through and it really looked like nobody was on point just yet. Even Cheryl Ann, who says she does this all the time, seems to be painting flatly and not making things blend well, but then again, midway it's hard to tell who is going to end up on top. The show focused mainly on the people struggling, which was Rudy and Dawn. It looks like Fernello actually made an appearance in this episode, as the last challenge seemed to knock him down a peg and get some humility. Or maybe they just edited out his antics. Who knows?
Thankfully once everything was said and done, most people turned out very well. Avi did an insane job with his model completely hidden. Unfortunately Dawn gets hit hard by the judges. I think she's a very amazing person and artist, but she's not making it. Rudy also got hit hard with his poor match up everywhere. Judge Craig even challenges his inner Leshawn Beyond telling him "THIS AINT GSN'S EXCUSES WARS!". Hah. Rio was another stand out as far as the top half. His model's face was invisible! Fernello's looked very flat. Aryn did a wonderful job, too. It's very clear who the top and bottoms are this time.
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My reaction to Avi's painting. |
They call out the tops and bottoms. Avi, Aryn, and Cherly Ann are their top picks obviously. They did a hilarious fake out making Cheryl think she won. The real winner is Avi, and he really deserved it. The bottom, Dawn Marie, Rudy, and Rachel really break my heart. I liked all three of these from the start, and Rachel was originally in my top favorites. This moment would not have ended well not matter what direction it went. Rachel was the first one safe, making the loser clear. Rudy is sent home.
In other news, Team Gao has been decided. I have accepted Sammie, Aryn, and Kyle on as my team members. Let's see all three of them rise to the top, shall we?