Monday, February 13, 2012

Song of the Week - Give Me All Your Luvin'

She's back. No, not back as in that oversexed, too-mainstream, and too eager to please person she was replaced with for a few years (Four Minutes - Horrible.). The REAL Madonna is back! And God, did we miss her. I know Song of the Week usually goes to lesser known people, but how can I pass this up? Seriously.

Madonna is finally back to her old sound. Those haunting vocals, those true 80s synth beats. They are all here. The only way you would know this song wasn't truly from the 80s is when it breaks into Nicki Minaj's rap, because let's face it, nobody sounds like that woman.

This song has actually come under some critizism by other reviewers claiming that while catchy, it is a bit too simple lyrically to be Madonna's huge return. I disagree. Most of Madonna's singles weren't the deepest meaning. She had a song all about posing. I mean come on. This song is the embodiment of the Madonna we've missed. As for the spellings (and misspellings), have I ever mentioned I have an affinity for songs that spell? I think I have.

Also MIA is in the song.

You can buy the track on iTunes. It may have been a glitch, but when I pre-orderd her new album "MDNA" it made me re-buy the single I had already payed for just to secure my pre-order. Thus, it may be best to just pre-order the full album if you plan to in the future.

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