Saturday, February 11, 2012

Drag Race Gossip - The Willam "Bye"

So what if this is nearly a week past, I'mma still give my two cents on the issue. Many people were beyond shocked when Willam "Bye'd" Ru on the main stage after being said she is safe. Honestly, I thought she was just being a bitch, which is what I love about her, but apparently I was wrong. On her site, she gave the details on what she says went down.

"Yea, I BYE’d RuPaul…but here’s what really went down on ep 4.2:
Right before I said BYE, The Princess was asked to lip-sync. RuPaul then told me I was safe and I asked him if i could lip-sync for The Princess because I was the team captain and wanted to take responsibility (I have no clue if The Princess would’ve let me but I wanted to offer). But Ru, without even making eye contact said “You’re going off script” and as soon as he got out the last word i was like ok peace in my head so i just threw out a “BYE” and walked off.

so yea. Bye."
I'm not sure what to think about this. On one hand, I can see this happening, but on the other hand, I can see this being damage control. I mean, not everyone likes bitches and when you are rude to Ru, it's easy to make a whole lot of enemies. 
What do you guys think? I'm sure most of you are just annoyed I'm talking about "that bitch" again. Well you know what? If you don't like the Willam show, you can get out. Or you can read some of my other posts. Please pick the second option.


  1. ask the other drag race girls what happened. 11 of them were there and they were gagged i talked back even polite as i was.

  2. I knew you would comment! I just think I'm obsessed with your bitchieness to believe it! Its what I love about you!
