Friday, August 17, 2012

MYPHNH(BS) - John Rowley

I just can't get enough Australian pop. It's getting to the point to where the more I post, the more contact me and let me know about their music. This time around, the very persistent John Rowley has stuck by his music and showed me his single "Guilt Trip." Needless to say I loved it.

The song is a slower type of pop, but doesn't seep over into the ballad territory. Instead it takes a much more Depeche Mode approach, keeping the bmp low and the vocals hypnotic. The lyrics of this particular track struck me, with its passive aggressive approach to love, giving it a tongue-in-cheek approach to telling a story without having to resort to slapstick.

Rowley has released a few songs in the past, and like many indie artists today, he releases it all for free, even despite the costs of recording. Along with original music, he also does mashups of popular songs, and does them quite well. He may not have sold tons of records or been at the tops of charts, but he has a lot of talent and a lot of drive. He also has a lot of patience for a certain blogger who forgets to post stuff a lot!

You can keep up with all of his recent releases on his Facebook page. Give him a "like" and check out his original and mashup music. I doubt you'll be disappointed!

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